In the world of residential construction, it's busier in the summer and less busy in the winter. Cold, rain, Holidays all contribute to this, but you already know that.
It doesn’t work that way with me. I am always busier in the winter. Strategic planning, annual shareholder meetings, and the like all seem to happen this time of year. In fact, I’m actually writing this while I am up early, out of town for a weekend because there just is no other time to do it.
And it’s times like this that I have to remind myself that I am frankly, not all that important. Oh, I have my role to play and yes, I am the CEO. But the CEO with all his/her big decisions and strategery gets nowhere if the custodian doesn’t empty the trash beside the CEO’s desk (our custodian is named Alan and he’s awesome, he’s helping me learn Spanish).
It’s more than that though. To make a profit, someone has to sell something, then someone has to make something, then someone has to load it and someone has to deliver it. Oh, and it must be On Time and In Full. Let’s be clear; I don’t do ANY of that stuff.
But, my role is as important as theirs. What if we had no plan? What if there was no one looking out for our healthy culture? What if there was no communication with Shareholders, attorneys and, bankers, etc.?
We all have our part to play, mine is critical. But so is everyone else’s. That’s why it’s important to recognize and appreciate those you work with and especially, those that work for you. Who do you make sure and appreciate this week? The custodian? Your team?
In any case, if you’re reading this know that I appreciate you and that we’re all filling our roles here at Wilson Lumber the best we can to help you Build Faster.