At Wilson Lumber, we have a group of employees who gather regularly to ensure that we are caring for our employees as well as ‘giving back’ to our community and our world. We refer to this group as Wilson Lumber Cares. We like the action implied in the name.
Around this time each year we go through a process to choose our ‘community partner’ for the next year. We have some guidelines in place but in short, we try to choose a non-profit where we feel that our time and money will be put to good use and make a real difference for them and those they are serving.
This is our way; not to say that it is wrong if you spread your donations around as much as possible. We simply enjoy making a larger difference in one organization. We feel that this is what God has called us to do.
The point is intentionality. We have a goal with a plan and a process. And I would encourage you to do the same. You probably already do; So many in the building materials community are so good at volunteering their time and resources, at giving back. I am proud to be associated with this industry and great people like you.